Hey Girl! Welcome, I’m so excited you’re here!

My heart behind this blog is to give you some practical help, encouragement, and the tools to intentionally walk through various seasons in your life. From navigating singleness and marriage, to feeling apathetic in life or far from God, each of the letters I am writing are coming from a place of experience and vulnerability. My prayer is that you would find a fresh perspective, new inspiration, and a community that every young woman feels welcome and accepted in.

We often face things alone in life for fear of judgement, ridicule, or flat-out rejection, but something I’ve been reminded of a lot lately is that our experiences and situations are not unique. You feel insecure about your body? Welcome to the club—so have I. You’re searching for your purpose and have no idea what God created you for? I’ve been there too. You just got married and you feel like a terrible wife? Yeah, I know that feeling and I struggled with it a lot. The beauty in each of these seasons, though, is that we can learn through them, then turn around and help the girl behind us.

I believe that I have gone through these experiences and so many others because I have learned how to navigate each of them. Now it is my goal to turn around, take your hand, and help you through this time in your life. I’ll share with you some practical advice, personal stories, and all the support in the world. My mission is to write letters to you that you can pull out in your lowest season or at your highest victory point. I want you to feel like I’m sitting across from you in a coffee shop, holding your hand, and giving you the insight, encouragement, or reality check that you need most.

Each of these letters is written “To the girl” is because I believe that there is a girl inside each of us that is the truest version of ourselves. I think about the little girl who loved to play in the mud or who pretended to be a mama to her baby dolls or who loved baking in her Easy Bake Oven, because when we were such little girls, we were not impacted by how other people thought we should be, we just were. We did what we loved and what interested us.

I think it is important to realize who that girl inside of you is and embrace the real version of yourself. The one without the mask or the filters or anything else to hide behind. God created you so uniquely with your own fire to bring to this world. Sister, the world needs what you have, so bring it. Unapologetically and unashamed because we need YOU.

Thank you so much for being here. If you need anything, I’m just an email away!



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