How to Stop Living in Shame | 3 Steps to Finding Freedom

Are you struggling with shame and feeling alone, afraid, or isolated because of it? In this post, I share personal and biblical insights on how to stop living in shame and reclaim your life. As someone who’s walked this journey, I understand the weight of carrying the fear of exposure and the loneliness of shame, but you aren’t alone. Join me as we uncover three powerful steps to conquer shame and step into a life of freedom and purpose.

How to Build Confidence as a Christian

In life, we don’t need more self-confidence, but rather a more resilient confidence founded in God.

Discover practical steps, rooted in biblical wisdom, for building and maintaining confidence as a Christian. From understanding the foundation in God to identifying purpose, preparing for tasks, recognizing our position, putting in the practice, and ultimately trusting the outcome to God, this post guides you through the process of building an unshakeable confidence.

Is God Disappointed When I Mess Up? | Three Things You Need To Remember When You Make A Mistake

Have you ever felt like God is disappointed when you make a mistake?

In this post, we’ll challenge the misconception that our relationship with God is based on obligation and rules, but actually on love. Looking all the way back at Genesis to the first mess ups, to the New Testament where Jesus pays the ultimate price for sin, we can find encouragement in the fact that God sees us through the lens of Jesus’ perfection, not our mistakes.

How To Have Clarity In Your Identity

As we step into 2024, let’s dive deep into identity. We are exploring the challenging question, “Who am I?” and the journey of becoming the person God created us to be. We will discuss the pitfalls of defining yourself by titles, and how focusing on who you are becoming, rather than looking to the past, is the best way to answer the question, “Who am I?” Let’s make 2024 a year of becoming better together!