How to Practice Self-Care as a Christian | Part Four: Community Support

Discover the truth of Christian self-care and how it differs from the way the world pursues self-care. As we continue this series, we are diving into the way Community Support is a means of self-care. We will discuss how God created us to live in community, and discuss how community takes effort, but that the benefits of it are far greater. As we seek to take care of ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, let’s lean on others for support and help. We weren’t meant to do life alone.

Dating with Marriage in Mind: Part Three – Sacrifice

As Christians, we are called to be generous, compassionate, and selfless. Because this is a call for all believers, sacrificing doesn’t just start when you sign the marriage license. It is something that must be cultivated in your life way before that day because marriage requires greater daily sacrifice than most things.