How to Read the Bible and Actually Understand It

Are you struggling to read and understand the Bible? You’re not alone! In this post, I share my personal journey from feeling frustrated and lost while reading Scripture to truly loving and understanding God’s Word. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your Bible study, these tips and strategies can help you connect with the Bible in a meaningful way.

How to Practice Self-Care as a Christian | Part Five: Gratitude

Discover the truth of Christian self-care and how it differs from the way the world pursues self-care. As we wrap up this series, we are diving into the way Gratitude is a means of self-care. We will discuss how our mindset is changed as we look for opportunities to thank God. As we seek to take care of ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, let’s transform and renew our minds by practicing gratitude.

How to Practice Self-Care as a Christian | Part Four: Community Support

Discover the truth of Christian self-care and how it differs from the way the world pursues self-care. As we continue this series, we are diving into the way Community Support is a means of self-care. We will discuss how God created us to live in community, and discuss how community takes effort, but that the benefits of it are far greater. As we seek to take care of ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, let’s lean on others for support and help. We weren’t meant to do life alone.

How to Practice Self-Care as a Christian | Part Three: Service

Discover the truth of Christian self-care and how it differs from the way the world pursues self-care. As we continue this series, we are diving into the way Service is a means of self-care. We will discuss how serving others changes our mindset and reveals how blessed we are, and look to scripture for the way God remembers our service to others. As we seek to take care of ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, let’s serve others the way Jesus did.

How to Practice Self-Care as a Christian | Part Two: Scripture

Discover the truth of Christian self-care and how it differs from the way the world pursues self-care. As we continue this series, we are diving into the way Scripture, reading the Bible daily, is a means of self-care. We will discuss the way that Scripture lends to the goals of being better, feeling better, and living a better life by means of convicting us, correcting our view of God, and building our faith. As we seek to take care of ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, let’s commit to the daily practice of reading God’s word.

How to Practice Self-Care as a Christian | Part One: Sabbath

Discover the truth Christian self-care and how it differs from the way the world pursues self-care. As we kick off this series, we are diving into the benefits of practicing the Sabbath and having a weekly day of rest. Sabbath lends to the goals of being better, feeling better, and living a better life by means of relying on God, resisting work and building discipline, and taking the time to reset, realign, reflect, and recover.

Battling Anxiety | How To Fight For Peace

As someone who’s no stranger to the struggles of anxiety, the instructions found in Philippians 4:6-7 have truly changed my life, and I believe they can change yours too. We’ll dissect each line of this powerful scripture and learn how to apply it to our daily lives, discovering the power of prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving as we invite God into our struggles and experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.

How to Stop Living in Shame | 3 Steps to Finding Freedom

Are you struggling with shame and feeling alone, afraid, or isolated because of it? In this post, I share personal and biblical insights on how to stop living in shame and reclaim your life. As someone who’s walked this journey, I understand the weight of carrying the fear of exposure and the loneliness of shame, but you aren’t alone. Join me as we uncover three powerful steps to conquer shame and step into a life of freedom and purpose.

How to Build Confidence as a Christian

In life, we don’t need more self-confidence, but rather a more resilient confidence founded in God.

Discover practical steps, rooted in biblical wisdom, for building and maintaining confidence as a Christian. From understanding the foundation in God to identifying purpose, preparing for tasks, recognizing our position, putting in the practice, and ultimately trusting the outcome to God, this post guides you through the process of building an unshakeable confidence.

Is God Disappointed When I Mess Up? | Three Things You Need To Remember When You Make A Mistake

Have you ever felt like God is disappointed when you make a mistake?

In this post, we’ll challenge the misconception that our relationship with God is based on obligation and rules, but actually on love. Looking all the way back at Genesis to the first mess ups, to the New Testament where Jesus pays the ultimate price for sin, we can find encouragement in the fact that God sees us through the lens of Jesus’ perfection, not our mistakes.