To the girl who is overwhelmed…

You spend all day chasing your responsibilities around, debating if today is a shower day or if you’ll take the extra half hour of sleep, instead. Deciding which invitations you can accept while still taking care of the obligations you have to fulfill. Wishing you could just stop for a moment to rest. We all know this is not a sustainable way to live. The problem is, when we are so busy just trying to survive, we have no energy or time left to actually dig ourselves out of the mess we are in. The good news is, you can. Really, you must. If you don’t start running your life, your life will keep running you.

To the girl who feels far from God…

I have been there so many times. I’ve felt like I’m really close to God, but then I turn around a week or a month later and realize that I haven’t prayed or spent any time with God recently. It doesn’t matter that I went to church three times and talked about God, because I didn’t talk to God. The physical proximity is there, by being in the church, but there is emotional distance that comes when we are not intentionally, mentally engaged in the relationship.

To the girl who is single…

If you’ve felt the pressure from the world to be in a relationship, or you feel like something is wrong with you because you haven’t found “the one,” I see you, girl. Maybe it’s started to make you resent being single. Maybe you’re becoming bitter about it. Or maybe you’ve just settled in and figured you’ll just get through it until your husband finally comes along. Singleness doesn’t have to be anything like that. So, heres seven ways to make the most of being single.