Where are you looking? | Shift your focus onto Jesus

We have three choices for where to turn our focus and our attention – out, in, or up. Our focus is limited to one thing, one direction, at a time, and depending on where our attention is, that is where our actions go as well. We can look out to the lives of others,
look in to our own desires, or we can look up to Jesus. The One who is steady, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Trusting God’s Leading and Taking the Next Step

Sometimes God’s plans for us take us by surprise and challenge our carefully laid out plans. In moments of uncertainty, it can be tempting to negotiate or question what God is leading us to do. But faith requires obedience, even when the outcome seems uncertain. Trusting in God’s provision and guidance, even when it defies logic, opens the door to the miraculous and allows us to play a part in something greater than ourselves. So, take that leap of faith, even if it seems impossible. God often uses improbabilities to make impossibilities realities.